Aqua Solar®
Solar Control Systems
Aqua Solar® - Total Solar Control System with dual digital display of pool water, solar collector and auxiliary sensor temperatures plus full system diagnostic LEDs. Single-dial adjustment lets pool owners set desired pool temperature effortlessly. Other user-customizable features include selectable high limit (from 70 degrees Fahrenheit to 140 degrees Fahrenheit), programmable recirculation freeze protection and nocturnal cooling.
Aqua Solar® TC — Aqua Solar Time Clock model provides all the capabilities of the Aqua Solar plus an integral time clock for 24-hour control of the pool's main pump and filtration system. The time clock is programmable in 15-minute increments and can have multiple on/off times. There's also an exclusive solar override feature that maximizes solar gain while minimizing electricity usage.
Aqua Solar® GL-235 — America's best-selling solar control is designed for easy and dependable operation. Its microprocessor-based technology ensures reliable and accurate performance. Advanced features include differential temperature control, selectable high limit, programmable recirculation freeze protection, nocturnal cooling, and optional booster pump control.